
Mirror Me This

Y’know, I’ve been singing forever. For more than years. And it was not until I’d taken on this particular practise of music, this discipline, that I really found just that: Discipline. A practise that is morphing, affirming, grounding, frustrating, painful, and delightful- a mirror, every day, a mirror held up to Being:
It changes as I do, but I continue anyway.
It shows me brilliance, and I water anyway.
It shows me pain and limitation, and I weed anyway.
It shows me endless fields of undulating potential, and I tend to it anyway.
It is a real, daily discipline of faith and wonder and transformation:

These things, methinks, are the difference between the hobbyist and the aspirant.

One definition of success is that there is no distinction between success & failure - R. Fripp.


Music doesn't need to be about anything. It simply is, and that is by far enough.


  1. You're kind of inspirational, you know?

    You're saying all these things I know--and don't practice. Balance and discipline . . . take practice. Thanks for reminding me. You may need to do it again . . .

    wobbly and lazy,

  2. Aw, Neil, merci! One of the reasons I keep this blog is as a practice of seeing simply what is.

    It's in this entry that I start simply keeping track of my daily doings. The Crafties put it this way: 'So, what is the aim of journalising? The prime aim, immediately, is to cultivate a practice of noticing.'

    And that is, in my experience, profoundly transformative.

    I've fallen out of the daily postings, but perhaps it is time to turn to that powerful paractice again.

    More great stuff on this can be found here at the Crafty Guitar site, and also on the Monographs page there...
