
Spokes of the Wheel

Tea, re-thinking house arrangement. It always feels right to re-arrange things once in a while. Shake up energy.

Another crazy glorious Texas Winter Day.

Surprise visit by Ms Jenny Pet sitter extraordinary as she walked one of her 'clients' who lives nearby.

Overcooked split pea in the crockpot. Doggone-it.

Workout. Practice. Zazen. Practice.

Business plan and bio work, brainstorming for a meeting with A about new opera company.

Feeling very I am in the right place on the right path doing the right thing, big time. Relief. Funny that I should/should have distrusted the Universe in Its ability to do Its thing, if I, indeed, commit to do mine. Hmmmm....

The phrase Beyond Intention came up on Mike's blog today. Beyond intention, inherent in all things, immanent, in the very fiber of the very un-ground of all being. In being who I am does that spring from intention? I think not. It is the uncovering of Isness. A re-discovery of what already is there. The acorn is the oak, the uncarved marble is the dynamic sculpture.

Like MB has said: Let the song sing you...

Listening: Peter Gabriel: Up

Meeting with A. Interesting exchange. Focused on what needs attention right now. New company is one spoke on my wheel. Have some writing and fleshing out of ideas to do, mission statement, business plan…refusing to get caught up in the standard concerns of the ‘singing profession’. I am more intersted in staying focused on making music, learning new rep, improving my musicianship, focus on networking, etc…riding the wave…

Mia Bella evening dine with my love- yum!

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